Perhaps if I were more committed I could make this relationship work

Perhaps if I were more committed I could make this relationship work

It isn’t a common occurrence for me to wake up in the middle of the night experiencing an anxiety attacking out of a dead sleep to feelings of tension, stress, and overwhelming concern is a reason to contemplate what’s really bothering you. Sometimes the lesson we think we are supposed to learn turns out to be completely different than we expected!

Last week I thought the lesson I needed to learn was commitment. Perhaps my hesitation for moving forward was simply fear of the future. Perhaps if I tried harder it would work out. Well, perhaps I was wrong.

Do we feel inspired to be better? Do we feel excited to see the person frequently? Do we feel safe, protected, and loved for who we are? Do we feel we fall short? Do we feel judged? Do we feel important? Do we feel remembered? Do we think of them and their needs? Do we think of ways to help them and serve them? Do we feel like putting them first in our lives? How do we feel when we are together? How do we feel when we are apart? In short, do we feel happy?

He wasn’t convinced, and ultimately committed me to pray about continuing the relationship

It can be challenging at times to recognize what we are feeling and furthermore to express those feelings to another person. When you are in a relationship and suddenly begin to experience anxiety attacks, the other person should probably know about it. (Talk about being vulnerable!) Luckily for me, Mr. (more…)

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