Dating on the Road vs. Dating in “Real Life”

Dating on the Road vs. Dating in “Real Life”

I think honesty is the best policy, and value that above all else when dating – so I make sure I’m clear about my situation with any guy I meet

This is probably the juiciest post I’ve written in a while, but it’s one that I know everyone is curious about. Over the past few months, I had a couple friends ask me the all-encompassing question: “what’s dating like when you’re traveling and on the road?” So, I figured now was as good a time as any to answer the question with my own personal experience. Settle in, this is a long one: let’s go!

In many ways, dating when you’re traveling is pretty similar to dating in “real life” – when you’re in a stable location and going about life as usual. People look for someone they connect with, who wants the same type of relationship as they do. (more…)

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