Also, find out what other influencers say about dating in midlife & beyond

Also, find out what other influencers say about dating in midlife & beyond

Guest writer Imagen Gowan (writer of ’50: Diary of a Middle-Aged Woman’) talks about finding love in midlife, social trends, and challenges.

I am. I have been dating on and off for the last seven years and my experience is that finding my forever partner is something akin to mission impossible. But perhaps that’s because I’m too fussy. All I want is an intelligent, educated, wealthy man who cares about his health, loves good conversation, has manners, speaks beautifully, and has a head full of hair.

But one of the key factors that emerge in not dating is “age”

Many women I’ve spoken to say it’s a numbers game. It’s about kissing a lot of frogs before you find a prince – if you find one at all. (more…)

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Unter ihr Registration können Diese in unserem geeigneten Teilnehmer stöbern. Einige werfen Sie einen Blick auf diesen Hyperlink Dating-Sites aufweisen via Preisrichtlinien, sodass Benützer unter Premium-Funktionen zugreifen beherrschen, um Interaktionsfunktionen hinter vorteil. Wahrscheinlich sollten Eltern im voraus einem Produzieren Ihres Profils unter ihr Dating-Blog durchsuchen, damit das Beste vom Residuum zu unterscheiden. (more…)

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The 2015 law also stopped people born after Jan

The 2015 law also stopped people born after Jan

The File and Suspend Strategy

Prior to 2016, workers could file for benefits (making their partners eligible to claim spousal benefits), then suspend their own benefits in order to maximize their credits for sexig ung spanska tjej deferred filing. This so-called file and suspend strategy meant that a lower-income partner could take advantage of spousal benefits while the primary earner accrued delayed retirement credits, thereby increasing their benefit amount.

However, this “have your cake and eat it, too” loophole was closed with the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015, which took effect in .

While it is still possible to file for benefits and then suspend payments temporarily, any other benefits that would normally be available on your account (such as spousal benefits) are no longer payable during such suspensions.

Deemed Filing

Previously, it was possible for those eligible for both types of benefits to claim spousal benefits first, while delaying a claim on their own account, a process sometimes called a restricted application. This allowed taxpayers to benefit from the earlier spousal payment while maximizing their own benefits through delayed retirement credits.

Under current law, spouses born after Jan. 1, 1954, are deemed to have filed for any and all benefits for which they are eligible as soon as they file for any of them. The payments they receive are based on whichever benefit amount is the highest.

Strategies for Maximizing Spousal Benefits

The three strategies below will help you make the most of your Social Security spousal benefits, depending on your circumstances. However, keep in mind that, regardless of your circumstances, the most a spouse can get is 50% of the amount that the higher-earning partner is entitled to at full retirement age.

1. Strategy for Late Claimers


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